Long time readers of the blog will recall that we chose to use a 3 coat stucco system that uses integral pigment in the 3rd and final `color coat'...It allows one to avoid the need for exterior paint, at least for a few years. What did we learn? 1) The color is very subjective and in our case, the colors are not even close to the colors on the samples.....We even doubled the pigment to mix ratio! 2) As the stucco mix and pigment are mixed on site, one mixer-load at a time, each load produces a slightly different tone or hue. Harlequin patterns look good on clowns, but not on houses..... After two weeks of drama with trying to match colors, we have finally reached peace with where it is at. The color is not as dark as we had hoped, it is less `sage' and more like `overcooked celery', in a few years we'll have to paint it. No big whoop.... P.S. Notice that ADORABLE 1928 bungalow next door? We'll be putting it on the market in about two months after we move into the ...
From March of 2005-July of 2006 we built a new house on an urban infill lot near downtown Sacramento. Jeff designed it, Mike was the general contractor. Our house is 3 stories high and 17' wide x 72' long. Among the goals were energy efficiency, cool design, & noise mitigation as we are right next to a 10 lane freeway. The house has solar electric, solar hot water & radiant heat. For the past 9 years we have been working on the landscaping and enjoying our home.