This was taken today just after I finished planting a couple of deciduous azaleas...
Yesterday the City Utilities Dept. sent out the guy that is Mr. Sewer for all of East Sac....He had an old map of our part of town that showed the water and sewer lines running diagonally across our lot!!! After one quick look at the manhole in the front of the lot and the manhole in the alley, it was easy to see that the sewer line ran parallel and well within the 20 foot easement....excellent, but what about water?
Today the Utilities Department sent out the guy that is Mr. Water for all of East Sac...he had one of those retro 1970's-esq Fu Man Chu mustaches, not that I noticed.... Anyway, he brought all sorts of fancy pipe detection equipment and in no time at all he found the water pipe....It was also well within the easement and does not run under house site....phew...
Pat at the City Utilities Department just called, she had that perky and cheerful voice that most people get when they can tell you that a problem has been averted, she used that voice when she told me ...